McQueeney VFD Presents Fire Prevention Program to McQueeney Elementary Students

Volunteers from the McQueeney Volunteer Fire Department, as well as a team of puppetmasters from Mexico, spent the day Friday (October 14th) at McQueeney Elementary School teaching the students about fire prevention and safety. The students, grades K-5, enjoyed the puppets and the demonstrations performed by the volunteers. The department also had several fire engines on display and showed the students the various tools and procedures used by the volunteers on calls.

The students also were reminded about the Haunted Fire House party that will be held 5:00-9:00 on Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th of October.


McQueeney Volunteers Participate in Annual Tower Climb Remembering Fallen First Responders

On Sunday, September 11, 2022, four McQueeney volunteers joined more than 500 other first responders to honor the 343 firefighters who had fallen during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on 9/11/2001. The first responders climbed the stairs in the Tower of the Americas in Hemisfair Plaza in San Antonio in full rescue gear twice, a height equal to 110 floors and exceeding the height of the Twin Towers that were destroyed in the attacks. Each participant carried a tag bearing the name of a firefighter who perished that day. Members from McQueeney included Chief Michael Wiedner, Assistant Chief Ray Salas, Firefighter/EMT Brant Wilhoit and Lt./EMT Jonathan Dominguez.

See the full story at the news link below:

McQueeney VFD Volunteers Attend Memorial for Drowning Victim

Members of the McQueeney VFD attended a memorial service for Victor Villanueva, who drowned in June of 2021 while trying to rescue his two sons who had been swept downstream in the Guadalupe River near the FM1117 bridge.  Villanueva, as well as Casandra Kendrick, a 22 year old local and US Navy veteran, both drowned in the rescue effort. The two young boys were brought to safety. McQueeney VFD Chief Mike Wiedner and Lieutenant Ray Salas, using the department’s rescue boat, located Villanueva’s body after a two day search. Shown in the picture below are Chief Wiedner and Lieutenant Salas along with the Villanueva family.

McQueeney VFD Says Goodbye to Phil Vasille

After 11 years of dedicated service in a number of capacities, Phil Vasille has decided to retire. He and his wife will be moving to the northwest to be closer to their children. We thank Phil for his service to the department and will definitely miss him! A celebration in his honor was held on April 18th.

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