On Monday, October 7, GVEC presented a Power Up grant for $20,000 to the McQueeney Volunteer Fire Department. One of the missions of the Power Up program is to reinvest money into the communities which GVEC serves by presenting grants to local nonprofit groups. The funds for the grant are acquired by members allowing GVEC to round up their electrical bill to the nearest dollar, and collecting the difference as a donation. Approximately 20% of collected funds are distributed for community assistance to help low income and elderly members pay their electric bills. The other 80% are distributed through grants to nonprofit groups and civic organizations. Applications are completed by the organizations requesting the grants and evaluated by a Review Committee
The funds awarded to McQueeney VFD will be used to purchase new battery powered extrication tools. We’re excited to add this new equipment to our department so we can continue to provide the highest level of service to our community.