The McQueeney Volunteer Fire Department met on June 8th to swear in new officers and to bid a fond farewell to former president Jawad Sheikh, who is returning home to Tennessee. County Commissioner Precinct 1, Greg Seidenberger, performed the swearing in ceremony.
Officers sworn in included:
Tim Bogisch-Chief,
Ray Salas-Assistant Chief,
Brian Soefje-President,
Chuck Hoagland-Vice-President,
Erik Johnson-Secretary,
Jo Ann Bogisch-Treasurer,
John Blake- Assistant Secretary/Treasurer,
Pastor Jim Craver-Chaplain,
Miracle Garza and Luis Vasquez-Mascots,
Directors-Mike Bowser, Mario Moreno and Phil Vasile
After a brief meeting, the group was treated to a lovely spread of dishes and desserts, including an assortment of delicacies with a Middle East origin in honor of retiring president Sheikh.
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